Miodrag Kovačević, Barba Miško, father

He started the story. `In his first life` he was the owner of textile factory. One day, he heave up the anchor, left the country and with no explanations, disappeared for a month.  After his first call to family, from near islands of Kornati (Croatia), his wife Vesna decided to join him. He realized a dream and becomes a captain of his own sailboat. And so, you can understand why the boat is named Vagabund, and Miodrag – Barba Miško (barba – old man, `sea wolf`, experienced captain; Miško is a nickname).

From 2008. he started his new life,  becames awarder skipper, a member of Montenegro sailing federation and member of Sailing club Jugole Gragalić from Herceg Novi. He is still the main captain of Vagabund, skipping the quests and teaching the new sailing lovers.

Vesna Kovačević, mother

Woman on the boat? Bad luck?! No way! She`s the soul of Navigator. After her first long sailing trip, she was terified by heeling and strenght of wind and sea, but inspite of all, she heading everywhere with her loved captain. She`s the main and the best sailor. She experienced all kind of weather and she is well prepared for all situations.

She is inlove in regattas, never misses none and enjoys organising afterparties.

Goran Kovačević, son

As father as son. Thrilled by fathers idea and inspired by his life change, he started to sail with him and mother. He finished the maritime faculty and starts sailing as deck officer. Very soon he bought his own sailboat, named Šjora (old local name for lady), and so the fleet starts to grow. He is awarder skipper and known as good hoast on his boat who loves preparing food for his guests. He quarantees good sailing and good food on the boat!

 Charter Montenegro Herceg Novi